4. Recommended Further Reading

Article, Books and Reports

Elizabeth Cripps, What Climate Justice Means and Why We Should Care (Bloomsbury Continuum, 2022)

Jeremy Moss (ed), Climate Change and Justice (Cambridge University Press, 2015)

Rob White, Climate Change Criminology (Bristol University Press, 2020)

David Arkush and Donald Braman, ‘Climate Homicide: Prosecuting Big Oil for Climate Deaths’ (2024) 48(1) Harvard Environmental Law Review (forthcoming)

Mark Byrne, ‘Climate Crime: Can Responsibility for Climate Change Damage be Criminalised?’ (2010) 4(3) Carbon & Climate Law Review 278–290

Joanna Kyriakakis, ‘Ecocide, Evil and the Corporation’ in Penny Crofts (ed), Evil Corporations: Law, Culpability and Regulation (Routledge, 2024 (forthcoming)).

Carole Gibbs et al, ‘Routine Activities Analysis of White Collar Crime in Carbon Markets’ (2013) 35(4) Law & Policy 341–274

Anastacia Greene, ‘The Campaign to Make Ecocide an International Crime: Quixotic Quest or Moral Imperative’ (2019) 30(3) Fordham Environmental Law Review 1–48

Sharon Mascher, ‘Climate Change Justice and Corporate Responsibility: Commentary on the International Bar Association Recommendations’ (2016) 34(1) Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law 57–69

Jamie Walvisch, ‘Lone Anarchists and Peace Pilgrims: The Relevance of Political Motivations to Sentencing’ (2018) 44(2) Monash University Law Review 428–457


Environmental Defenders Office: Global warning report: the threat to climate defenders in Australia (prepared in collaboration with the Human Rights Law Centre and Greenpeace 2021)

Disrupt Burrup Hub

Extinction Rebellion

Environmental Defenders Office: Defending the defenders

Stop Ecocide International

ABC News: Escalation: Climate, protest and the fight for the future (video, 2023)


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