
7.3 References and further reading

Note: Some material may be behind a paywall and inaccessible to those without benefit of an academic database.

Dyreson M (2001) ‘American ideas about race and Olympic races from the 1890s to the 1950s: shattering myths or reinforcing scientific racism?’, Journal of Sport History, 28(1):173–215.

Garrod JZ (2006) ‘A brave old world: an analysis of scientific racism and BiDil’, McGill Journal of Medicine, 9(1):54–60.

Hassin R and Trope Y (2000) ‘Facing faces: studies on the cognitive aspects of physiognomy’, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 78(5):837–852.

Hippocrates (Chadwick J and Mann WN, trans), Hippocratic writings, Penguin Books, London, 1978.

Jackson JP and Weidman NM (2005) ‘The origins of scientific racism’, Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, 50:66–79.

Kennedy R (8 April 2019) ‘Is there a “race” or “ethnicity” in Greco-Roman Antiquity?’, Classics at the Intersections website, blog post, accessed 23 October 2023.

Kennedy R (3 December 2020) ‘Race and the Athenian metic: modelling an approach to race in antiquity’, Classics at the Intersections website, blog post, accessed 23 October 2023.

McCoskey D (2019) Race: antiquity and its legacy, Bloomsbury, London.

Miller G (1962) ‘“Airs, waters, and places’ in history’, Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 17(1):129–40.

Murphy K (30 November 2021) ‘“Almost unprecedented” spike in number of Australians who see racism as a problem, survey finds’, Guardian, accessed 24 October 2023.


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