4 What is a Design?
Mitchell Adams
As discussed in Chapter 1, what is ‘design’ can mean different things and largely depends on the context in which the term is used. The legal definition of ‘design’ is narrower in comparison, with a particular focus on the visual appearance of products. This chapter aims to explore the provisions concerning designs deemed eligible for protection under the Designs Act 2003 (Cth).
The definitions discussed in the chapter set the subject matter capable of protection. Any subject matter issues of a design are normally handled during the formalities assessment after registration is requested.[1] However, it is possible for a design to be assessed for lack of subject matter during examination.[2]
The Definition of ‘Design’
The definition of ‘design’ under the Act is:[3]
design, in relation to a product, means the overall appearance of the product resulting from one or more visual features of the product.
The definition differentiates between a product and its visual features that create its appearance. A design, therefore, can only exist in relation to a ‘product’ that it is applied to.[4] During the formalities assessment, the formalities officer will use the representations and the information in the application to:
- Identify the product;
- Determine the overall appearance of the product; and
- Identify the visual features that collectively create the overall appearance.[5]
For example, consider the following smartwatch.

The product is likely described as a watch, smartwatch or wearable device.
The representation above shows all the visual features forming part of the design. The product includes a watch face, a band and a clasp. The overall shape of the watch face (or display) is rectangular with rounded corners. The watch face includes a rectangular display screen at the top of the device. The display screen is surrounded by a bezel edge that is rectangular in shape with rounded corners that slope downwards. Alongside the housing of the watch face features two rounded dials and three buttons on the sides of the watch face. The left side has two rounded buttons, whereas the right side features two rounded dials and a rounded button. Each differs in shape and size. The two dials feature ridges along the sides. Connected to the watch face is a watch band with repeating rectangular-shaped links that are close together and flat on the edges. The ends of the band meet at a clasp that is larger than the watch band and slopes toward the underside of the band.
The isometric drawing above shows the various features that give its overall appearance. The design’s overall appearance shows features that are prominent to the eye, including the overall shape of the watch face, the screen, three buttons, two dials, the shape of the band links and the shape of the clasp. Applying to register this design would afford it exclusive rights to the individual and the specific appearance of the watch as it is shown.[6] Although the features described above can serve a functional purpose, the rights granted are concerned with the visual features, not its function.[7] Although the drawing includes shaded areas, denoting the product’s shape, nothing in the image hints at colour, decoration, or adornment features.
It is possible for a single smartwatch device to comprise multiple designs. Designs could subsist in the watch band and its links, the housing for the watch face, the dials, the buttons, the screen and the clasp. In addition, each could have separate designs if different colours or decorations were used on these parts.
Explore the Register
Explore the portfolio of registered designs Apple Inc. for their Apple Watch. The portfolio includes multiple registrations for the various aspects of the watch and bands. In addition, it consists of the various models of the watch, including different watch bands and features. Some designs include representations of the whole watch, whereas others specify specific designs that reside on the overall watch. Overall, the representations in each design specifically call out the visual features that make up the design intended to be protected. Notice how the product name is described and its allocated classification code.
- Design 201510624 for an ‘electronic device’
- Design 201510630 for a ‘wearable device’
- Design 201510633 for a ‘wearable device’
- Design 201510639 for a ‘wearable device’
- Design 201510640 for a ‘wearable device’
- Design 201510642 for a ‘wearable device’
- Design 201510644 for a ‘wearable device’
- Design 201510651 for a ‘wearable device’
- Design 201510668 for an ‘electronic device’
- Design 201510671 for an ‘electronic device’
- Design 201510673 for an ‘electronic device’
- Design 201510674 for a ‘wearable device’
- Design 201510675 for an ‘electronic device’
- Design 201510676 for an ‘electronic device’
- Design 201510677 for an ‘electronic device’
- Design 201510678 for a ‘link for a band’
- Design 201510680 for an ‘electronic device’
- Design 201510681 for a ‘band’
- Design 201510682 for a ‘band’
- Design 201510686 for an ‘electronic device’
- Design 201510728 for a ‘wearable device’
- Design 201614110 for a ‘band’
- Design 201510755 for a ‘band’
Overall Appearance
IP Australia provides more guidance on the concept of ‘overall appearance’. This explanation can speak to the types of applications you will see on the Designs Register.[8] How an applicant crafts their application and the representations can influence how the overall appearance of the product is viewed by the Designs Office. Certain visual features may be highlighted, while others are not the main focus of the design. Such a practice is habitually used to help navigate the distinctiveness assessment.
The “overall appearance” of a product (effectively the subject matter of the design) is the result of one or more visual features (s 5).
A design right is not based on the overall appearance of the product as such – it is based on the overall appearance that results from a visual feature or features.
Where the representation(s) identify all visual features as forming part of the design being applied for, the overall appearance of the product equates to ‘the overall appearance resulting from one or more visual features’. For example (Design 202011431 (for a coffee maker).
Where the representation(s) purposely identify and highlight visual features, applied to a product that has other visual (including generic) features, the design right does not equate to the overall appearance of the product. Instead, the contribution the highlighted visual features have as part of forming a view on what the overall appearance is relevant. The influence or impact these visual features have on the overall appearance when compared to the other features that together form the product bearing the design is important to understand.
It is common for a design to focus on a visual feature (or group of visual features) amongst other features that make up the product. For example, in Design 201814169 (for a wheel), the parts that make up the outer portion have been identified and highlighted (in solid line) as visual features the subject of the design.
Features of a product that are not visual features the focus of the design right will typically be identified in some generic fashion – such as by the use of dotted lines (see directly above). Clear labelling of representations also assists in understanding what is the design being applied for. The features in dotted lines are generic features of the product bearing the design. These features can help identify what is the overall appearance of the product resulting from the visual features that form the basis of the design. See Representations for more information.
Representations may include extraneous elements that are not part of the design, added for reference. A typical example is a representation that shows the product bearing the design in use, or in its environment. Labelling is important and should be used to clarify the relevance of what a representation shows, and what does and does not contribute to the overall appearance and the design. Part of the task of identifying the design is interpreting the representations and other material in the Register entry to establish whether any elements are being disclaimed or clearly do not form part of the design right.
In Review No 2 v Redberry Enterprises [2008] FCA 1588, a representation of the garment design showed it on a store mannequin. There was no suggestion that the mannequin formed part of the design, and at [52] it was stated: ‘… everything that is shown in the registered design (unless disclaimed in some way) forms part of the subject matter protected by registration.’
Visual Features
Section 7 of the Act sets out what is and what is not a visual feature of a product. The definition of a visual feature is non-exhaustive.[9] Any feature can be a ‘visual feature’ as long as it is not excluded under s 7(3). Under the section, a clear delineation forms — with designs relating to the visual appearance of a product as opposed to the feel of a product.
Definition of visual feature
(1) In this Act:
“visual feature”, in relation to a product, includes the shape, configuration, pattern and ornamentation of the product.
(2) A visual feature may, but need not, serve a functional purpose.
(3) The following are not visual features of a product:
(a) the feel of the product;
(b) the materials used in the product;
(c) in the case of a product that has one or more indefinite dimensions:
(i) the indefinite dimension; and
(ii) if the product also has a pattern that repeats itself–more than one repeat of the patter
Note: Section 7 indicates what is and what is not considered a visual feature of a product. Any characteristic can be a ‘visual feature’ as long as it is not excluded by s 7(3). It is important to note that a design relates to the ‘look’ of a product, not the ‘feel’ of a product.
The visual features can refer to any of the 2D or 3D aspects of a design. The dictionary definitions of the named visual features are:
- Shape: ‘the external form, contours, or outline of someone or something’.[10]
- Configuration: ‘an arrangement of parts or elements in a particular form, figure, or combination’.[11]
- Pattern: ‘a repeated decorative design’.[12]
- Ornamentation: ‘decorative elements added to something to enhance its appearance’.[13]
The appearance of a product is made up of its visual features. When an applicant applies to register a design, IP Australia does not decide ‘whether a visual feature can be described as a shape, a configuration, a pattern or an ornamentation’.[14]. There is no sharp distinction made between the different named features. The definition of a design is intended to be as extensive as it reasonably should be, given the overall appearance is judged visually.[15] Any feature is a visual feature if it can be described as being shape, configuration, pattern or ornamentation.[16]
The visual features in relation to a product may, but need not, serve a functional purpose.[17] The shape of a product can often be dictated by a functional purpose. For example, think of a knife having a sharpened edge. Whether a design fulfils a functional purpose is irrelevant to whether it would be protected under the Act. The focus of design protection lies in a product’s distinct appearance rather than how functional it may be.[18] The latter may require a patent instead. A distinction, therefore, needs to be made ‘between a specific shape that has a functional purpose, and a principle of design to meet a functional purpose’.[19]
Even a product’s unseen features can be considered ‘visual features’ and play a role in its appearance. This only applies if the internal features are visual, not tactile or related to the materials used. The fact that these features are typically unseen during normal use is irrelevant. While the internal features of a product would not bar it from registration, they may become relevant points when assessing distinctiveness, as will be discussed in the next chapter.

Colour is not expressly mentioned in the definitions of ‘visual feature’, yet it was recommended to be included in the ALRC Report.[20] Despite its absence in section 7, colour is a visual feature.[21] Indeed, ‘pattern’ and ‘ornamentation’ are prima facie words that can describe features of colour. For example, consider the bevelled edges of the Apple iPhone 5S shown below. The edges of the iPhone can be described as gold ornamentation.[22] Colour can specifically play a role in the distinctiveness assessment discussed in the next chapter.
The aspects that are expressly excluded are the feel of the product, the materials used in the product, and the indefinite dimension or more than one repeat of a pattern where the product has one or more indefinite dimensions.[23] The feel of a product would include the texture or tractility of a product’s surface. A distinction should be made here: although a surface finish applied to a product could provide the product with a certain feel, a surface finish could equally affect the product’s visual appearance. The latter would be eligible for registration, not the former. The same can be said of the materials used in the product. The materials used to produce the product cannot be protected,[24] but if the use of materials results in a particular visual appearance, the appearance can be protected.
For products with one or more indefinite dimensions, the indefinite dimension is not a visual feature capable of protection.[25] For example, the midsection of an Apple Watch ‘Solo Loop’ watch band has an indefinite length. Such a feature would not be able to be registered. Where there are repeating patterns, a single unit of the pattern is a visual feature but not an indefinite number of repeating units.[26] If the base unit has an indefinite dimension (e.g. stripes), it would not be a valid design.
How visual features are judged is dependent on context. When an applicant files an application, they will present the design and its visual features in a static format with the submitted representations. However, it can be the case where the appearance of a product can change depending on how it is used. The visual appearance of a product could be static (e.g. a hammer) or changes through use (e.g. a candle). It is the practice of IP Australia that ‘the visual features of the product that are the subject matter of the design must be assessed when the product is ‘at rest’ rather than in use’.[27] This becomes relevant in two instances: applications for virtual designs (discussed below) and assessing the newness and distinctiveness of designs against the prior art base.[28]
Section 6 of the Act defines what is a product. For a design to be registered, there must be a product to which the design relates.[29] Read section 6 below, where it is apparent that products are tangible objects that have material form. The definition reflects the history of design protection and the Industrial Revolution discussed in Chapters 1 and 2.
Definition of product
(1) For the purposes of this Act, a thing that is manufactured or hand made is a product (but see subsections (2), (3) and (4)).
(2) A component part of a complex product may be a product for the purposes of this Act, if it is made separately from the product.
(3) A thing that has one or more indefinite dimensions is only a product for the purposes of this Act if any one or more of the following applies to the thing:
(a) a cross-section taken across any indefinite dimension is fixed or varies according to a regular pattern;
(b) all the dimensions remain in proportion;
(c) the cross-sectional shape remains the same throughout, whether or not the dimensions of that shape vary according to a ratio or series of ratios;
(d) it has a pattern or ornamentation that repeats itself.
(4) A kit which, when assembled, is a particular product is taken to be that product.
As discussed in Chapter 3, an applicant must sufficiently identify the product in the application through a product name. During the formalities assessment, the formalities officer will check this and classify it according to the Locarno Agreement.[30] Although the section specifically includes what a product is, there are no equivalent provisions of what a product is not (like that seen with visual features). IP Australia, however, provides guidance on what is not a product: an intangible item or human being.[31] The guidance states:
Tangible objects have material form. Intangible objects are ethereal – they lack material substance. For example, a laser might be controlled to produce a 3-D spatial image of an object. That image is not a ‘thing’ because it is ethereal – that is, it lacks material substance. However, if the laser is used to ‘burn’ that image into a block of Perspex™, it is now a physical ‘thing’ and can be registered.
A human being is not something that is manufactured or handmade. An application can be made for a hair style as applied to a wig, but not for a hair style as applied to a person’s actual hair. This is because the ‘product’ to which the design is applied is the human being.
[For example] An ornamentation that is designed to go onto an artificial fingernail can be classed as a ‘product’ and can potentially be registered. But an ornamentation that is designed to go onto an actual fingernail is ornamentation of a human being and cannot be registered.
The operative provision of the definition is that a product needs to be a thing that is manufactured or handmade. Whether a design meets this requirement will typically be handled during the formalities assessment.[32]
Read the case
The most famous refused registration was Microsoft Corporation’s application for a type font. On 11 Nov 2005, Microsoft filed a design application for ‘Type Font’, requesting registration. The representation sets out the design using the following characters.[33]
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
. : ! ? , ; ( ) < > @ # $ ^ & % * ‘ “ + – = [ ] { } \ /
The formalities officer conducted the relevant check and stated in a notice to the application that ‘Your representations do not show a design applied to a finished article’. A second formalities report was issued, asserting that the application did not disclose a product consistent with the section 6 definition. It stated that ‘the product shown must be a thing that is manufactured or hand made implying that it must be a finished product, that is something in existence therefore tangible’.[34] The attorney responded, indicating that the application was not in breach of regulation 4.04(c), arguing that the Locarno Agreement recognises type and type font as subject matter capable of classification and registration.[35] Although the Locarno Agreement explicitly includes a classification for fonts, the officer maintained the objection. The applicant then requested a hearing to determine the matter. The Deputy Registrar concluded that the design did not disclose a product bearing visual features and refused the application. Specifically, the Deputy Registrar said:
The present design is for a font. It is not a hammer for a typewriter; it is not a type element for use in type-setting with metal blocks; it is not a rubber stamp. It is the shape of characters that might be applied to any of these things – as well as any other medium – be that paper, computer screen, light projection etc. Indeed, in the computer environment a type font exists as a binary file (in the Windows® environment, usually as a .TTF or .FON file), with that file being used to control how information is presented on computer output – whatever that output might be (monitor, printer, etc). I do not think that the present design shows a product bearing visual features. Rather, the representations show a collection of visual features intended to be applied to unspecified products in unspecified arrangements.
Read the decision here Microsoft Corporation [2008] ADO 2
Virtual designs
IP Australia’s practice of assessing a design application ‘at rest’ has its origins in assessing design applications for virtual or non-physical designs. These designs include graphical user interfaces (GUIs), icon designs, typeface/ type font designs, holographic designs, projected images, animated characters and virtual three-dimensional designs. As a critical connection between the end-user and the technology, GUIs play an essential role in making the interaction with computer technology possible. Designing GUIs is a practice that emerged with the advent of personal computing and increased software development. GUIs allow users to interact effectively and efficiently with electronic devices like computers and smartphones. Early computers required text-based user interfaces, which required a user to type commands for the computer to complete tasks. GUIs permit users to manipulate graphical elements directly to complete tasks. As mobile computer technologies such as smartphones and smartwatches have become ubiquitous in society, the user interfaces of these devices have become known as ‘aesthetically innovative’.[36]
As discussed in Chapter 1, technological innovation has led to new types of designs. Over recent decades, filings for new technological designs have grown significantly in many jurisdictions.[37] Australian law, however, has yet to catch up. Like most areas of law, designs law must grapple with adapting to changing circumstances. Previous reviews of the Australian design protection system have identified virtual or non-physical designs as new technological designs that have challenged this area of intellectual property law.[38]
The level of protection offered to virtual design applicants under the Designs Act 2003 (Cth) is presently unclear. Under the current interpretation of the Act, virtual designs may be registered but are unlikely to meet the legislative requirements to be certified at the examination stage.[39] Currently, there are several registered designs for GUIs and graphical icons. At the point of application and subsequent formalities check, an application for a virtual design must name a product.[40] However, the Act does not expressly reference virtual designs under the ‘product’ or ‘design’ definitions. Under the s 6 definition of a ‘product’, it must be something ‘manufactured or handmade’.
For most applications for virtual designs received by IP Australia, the product name nominated by the applicant is a ‘display screen’.
Read the case
In Somfy SAS [2011] ADO 4, a Hearing Officer heard a matter coming from the formalities assessment where the applicant filed to register a GUI to be used on a remote control. Check out the representation here: Design 200812675 for ‘an LCD screen for a remote control’
Initially, the application did not pass the formalities assessment, and the applicant subsequently requested an amendment to identify the product to which the design is applied as ‘LCD screen for remote control’.[41] Although it was acknowledged that the appearance of the LCD screen was not constant,[42] the design was registered based on the proposed amendment.
Read the decision here Somfy SAS [2011] ADO 4
The system for design rights leads to uncertainty for applicants who have already paid fees for a ‘registration’ for the virtual design but have a low probability of obtaining an enforceable right for the virtual design. IP Australia has described this as an inconsistency between both stages under the Act.[43]
Based on the current definitions, virtual elements such as GUIs and graphical icons are likely construed as visual features of ‘pattern or ornamentation’ and display screens are considered a ‘product’.[44] The primary issue is the interplay between the ‘design’ and the ‘product’ required under the Act.[45] That is, whether those visual features relating to the product named in the application are elements that culminate in its overall appearance, as required under the s 5 definition of a ‘design’. Under IP Australia’s interpretation of the Act, virtual designs must be carefully assessed to ascertain whether the software produces the relevant visual features.[46]
Read the case
In the earliest case involving a virtual design, an applicant appealed an examiner’s decision to reject the registration for an icon appearing on a computer screen. The Heading Officer in Comshare Inc.[47] rejected the application for two reasons: (i) the icon was transitory, and as such, the design did not give the computer screen a particular appearance; (ii) the design could not qualify as a pattern or ornamentation within the meaning under the previous Designs Act 1906(Cth), as the icon was subordinate in context and layout of what else was on the screen.
Read the decision here Re Applications by Comshare Incorporated [1991] ADO 2; (1991) 23 IPR 145
Read the case
In another decision held under the previous Act, the Australian Designs Office in Altoweb Inc.[48] rejected an application to register a virtual design for a computer display. The Registrar for Designs held that the application did not contain a ‘design’ for the purposes of the previous 1906 Act – as either features of pattern or ornamentation.[49] The virtual design of an icon was considered something ‘not inherently built into or part of the finished article itself…’[50] The Registrar also commented on the published Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) 1995 report into the design system, which recommended:
‘… a screen display is a use of a product – the monitor or other computer hardware – it is not itself a product. Nor is it the visual appearance of any product. The visual appearance of the monitor or other computer hardware is the product at rest not in use. The fact that the screen display is generated by a computer program does not make it the visual appearance of that program any more than a printed page is the visual appearance of the printer. It follows that a screen display does not qualify for protection as a design either as the design of a computer program or on any other ground (Australian Law Reform Commission, Designs (Report No 74, 30 June 1995) section 4.32 (emphasis added)).
Read the decision here Altoweb Inc. [2002] ADO 2
After the introduction of the current Act, the Australian Designs Office considered the refusal to register a virtual design (as opposed to the examination). Somfy SAS was the first where the Hearing Officer found that an LCD screen for remote control was registrable – although unlikely to survive certification.[51] Following this decision, the Advisory Council on Intellectual Property released a paper recommending that protection be available to applicants for some virtual designs or non-physical designs.[52] The culmination of this decision and the report likely led to increased applications for registrations at IP Australia.[53]
Read the case
The most recent decision in Australia relating to virtual designs was Apple Inc.[54] Apple filed an application for an icon in respect of a ‘display screen’.[55] The Hearing Officer found that the ‘display screen’ was something that is manufactured and, as such, met the definition of a product under the Act.[56] When assessing the design’s novelty,[57] the Hearing Officer held that an image that appears on a screen would not be considered a visual feature of a display screen per se. At reaching this decision, the Hearing Officer reiterated IP Australia’s practice of examining a display screen as though it were at rest (i.e., appearing blank or off). In supporting the interpretation of the s 7 definition of a visual feature allowing for the ‘at rest’ determination, the Hearing Officer relied upon the ARLC report as quoted above. The Registrar’s decision in Apple Inc. suggests protection is unavailable until the Designs Act 2003 is changed.
Read the decision here Apple Inc [2017] ADO 6
As a result of these decisions, the Designs Office’s current practice is to assess the visual features of the product in the context of the product ‘at rest’, as opposed to ‘in use’.[58] A practice ACIP has called to be reconsidered and abandoned. Specifically, because there is nothing in the definitions or elsewhere in the Act that requires that the visual features be observable in the context of the product ‘at rest’.[59]
The protection of virtual designs has been the subject of ongoing policy development at IP Australia to amend the Act to permit its protection. Changes to permit virtual design protection are discussed in Chapter 11.
Component part of a complex product
Many products are assembled from component parts. Take the following example of an automobile. The car is a complex product as it comprises many parts, including component parts that may be replaced. Component parts, as well as the complex product, can be protected under the Act. Pursuant to s 7, the component part can be treated as a product in its own right if made separately from the product.[60]
A design owner can apply for the protection of both a component part and a complex product. If only the complex product is protected, however, it is unlikely the component parts are protected.[61] The applicant must, therefore, specify what they wish to register. Using the example above, the applicant would decide to register either (i) the automobile as a complex product only; (ii) the bonnet of the car and wheels (for example) as component parts only; or (iii) the complex product and the component parts.[62]
Explore the Register
The following design for a camera mount is an example of a component part product: Design 202313507 for ‘Camera mount component’
The following design for a light is an example of a complex product: Design 201316165 for ‘lighting’
When applying to register a complex product, the representations submitted with the application should demonstrate the complex product in its assembled form.[63] The assembled form should display the component parts and demonstrate a physical connection of the elements.[64]
Read the case
Read Aristocrat Technologies Australia Pty Limited [2021] ADO 1, where the Designs Office assessed an application for the design of a ‘bank of gaming machines’ Design 201816709. The Office had to decide whether the representation showed the design fully assembled.
A distinction needs to be made between those designs with multiple visual elements and those with complex products for the purpose of section 7. A product is a complex product only if it permits disassembly and reassembly. In Aristocrat Technologies Australia Pty Limited [2021] ADO 1, the hearing officer clarified that assembly ‘involves parts being put together, in the sense of being physically connected, to create one assembled thing’.[65]
IP Australia guides what is considered a complex product and what is not.[66]
A camera has a locking mechanism on its plastic housing. The locking mechanism is designed to be removed for camera repairs, so it is a component part of a complex product. However, even though a cable tie has a locking mechanism as well, the locking mechanism is not designed to be undone, so it is not a component part of a complex product (the cable tie cannot be disassembled and then reassembled).
Where the components are held together in a way that prevents them from being physically separated – for example, where they are welded, riveted or glued – then on the face of it the product does not contain parts that permit disassembly/reassembly.
If an applicant wishes to file a single application for the different component parts, the representations would need to show (i) how the components are formed together, (ii) what the assembled product looks like, and (iii) how the components interact with each other.[67] When examining registered designs for component parts, they will be treated separately from the complex product.[68]
Explore the Register
The following design for a Tower Display Unit on the Register is an example of an applicant seeking to protect the different component parts: Design 202112956 for a ‘Wrap for Tower Display Unit’
One or More Indefinite Dimensions
The design of a product with one or more indefinite dimensions is capable of being protected as long as one of the following categories contained in s 6(3) applies:
- The cross-section of any indefinite dimension shows that the design is either fixed or varies according to a regular pattern.
- All the dimensions of the item remain in proportion.
- The cross-sectional shape is the same throughout, regardless of whether the dimensions of that shape vary according to a ratio or series of ratios.
- The item has a pattern or ornamentation that repeats itself.
Explore the Register
Examples of products with indefinite dimensions can include those whose shape does not vary in a cross-section. See the following design for a driver bit on the Register, where the shaft of the bit is of an indefinite length: Design 201912617 for a ‘Driver bit of Indefinite length’
In addition, products with a repeating pattern (like that seen in textiles) can have an indefinite length. See the following design for packaging on the Register, which has not only indefinite height and width but also a repeating pattern of a honeycomb nature: Design 201911211 for ‘Packaging Sheeting’
Assembled Set or Kit
A kit is also capable of being protected under the Act.[69] A kit is a set of parts or components that are packaged together, usually with instructions, so that you can assemble them into a final product. Under s 6(4), the product as, ‘a kit which, when assembled, is a particular product is taken to be that product.’ Therefore, the final product needs to have been assembled from the kit. This is an important distinction as mere sets or collections of items are not kits. The protection afforded to kits enables a design owner to stop a competitor from selling a set of components that a purchaser assembles into the final product, as opposed to seeking to stop the purchaser (as they are the ones to handmake the final product).
IP Australia provides the following illustrative examples to demonstrate what is protected as a kit.[70]
- A product named ‘model aeroplane kit’ would meet the definition of a product if the representations show how the items form together to make a single design (a model aeroplane design).
- A first-aid kit does not meet the requirements as it is not a single product. The items in the kit do not assemble to make a single design. The first-aid kit is merely a collection of individual objects.
- A ‘car body kit’ is a collection of items that can be added to a car. The items are not assembled to form a product. They are meant to be attached to another product – the car.
Explore the Register
Explore this example of a kit on the Register. Look at the application to see how the applicant demonstrated how the parts of the kit came together: Design 201411324 for an ‘architectural model kit’
Refusal to Register
The discussion above canvasses what can be registered as a design. However, there are designs that will be refused protection. IP Australia will refuse designs that fall under section 43 of the Act. During the formalities assessment and examination,[71] the formalities officer and examiner will assess the design to see if it contains a design that should be refused under section 43. An applicant has the opportunity to amend an application if it falls foul of section 43 or present arguments as to why the provisions do not apply to the design. Read section 43 below.
Registrar must refuse to register certain designs
(1) The Registrar must refuse to register a design if:
(a) the design is a design, or belongs to a class of designs, prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this paragraph; or
(b) the Registrar must not register the design because of section 18 of the Olympic Insignia Protection Act 1987 ; or
(c) the design is in relation to a product that is:
(i) an integrated circuit within the meaning of the Circuit Layouts Act 1989 ; or
(ii) part of such an integrated circuit; or
(iii) a mask used to make such an integrated circuit; or
(d) the design is subject to an order under section 108.
(2) Subject to section 42, the Registrar must refuse to register a design disclosed in a design application in respect of which the Registrar has given a notification under section 41, if the applicant has not:
(a) amended the application; or
(b) responded in writing to the notification stating why the applicant considers that the application does not need to be amended;
in such a way that the Registrar is satisfied as mentioned in section 39 or 40 in relation to the design application.
(3) The Registrar must notify the applicant of a refusal under subsection (1) or (2) and of the reasons for the refusal.
Since the introduction of the 2003 Act, only 33 designs have been refused. Of these, 25 were applications filed by Microsoft for ‘type font’ designs. Such a result indicates most applications that have been refused under the s 43(2),[72] and likely found not to comply with the section 6 definition of a product.[73]
An application to register a design will be refused if it contains certain types of designs.[74] The types of designs the Register must refuse are found under reg 4.06. The Regulations grant IP Australia a general regulation power permitting the exclusion of ‘special items’ from protection.[75] Other items of registration that are excluded are those which overlap with the Olympic Insignia Protection Act 1987 (Cth) and the Circuit Layouts Act 1989 (Cth). Read regulation 4.06 below.
Registrar must refuse to register certain designs
For paragraph 43(1)(a) of the Act, the following classes of designs are prescribed:
(a) medals;
(b) designs of a kind that the Registrar must, under subregulation 2(4) of the Protection of Word ‘Anzac’ Regulations, refuse to register;
(c) designs of a kind mentioned in subsection 19(1) of the Crimes (Currency) Act 1981 ;
(d) designs that are scandalous, or might reasonably be taken to be scandalous;
(e) the Arms, or a flag or seal, of the Commonwealth or of a State or Territory;
(f) the Arms or emblems of:
(i) a State or Territory; or
(ii) a city or town in the Commonwealth; or
(iii) a public authority or public institution in Australia;
(g) the armorial bearings, flags, State emblems or other signs of another country.

Suppose the following design for a medal was submitted in an application. In that case, the Registrar must refuse its registration because the design is for a medal with a commemorative or reward purpose. The presence of the ‘1’ on the medal likely indicates its purpose to reward efforts in competition. A formalities officer or examiner will determine whether the design contains a medal. The Macquarie dictionary defines a medal as:
A flat piece of metal, usually in the shape of a disk, star, cross, or the like, bearing an inscription, device, etc, issued to commemorate a person, action or event, or given to serve as a reward for bravery, merit, or the like.
A design for a ‘commemorative coin’ filed on July 10, 2023 (Design 202314464 for a ‘VIET NAM CONG HOA commemorative coin’), likely faced this objection during the formalities assessment. The application subsequently lapsed on November 18, 2023. Other medals have been registered and certified — likely due to the lack of a commemorative or reward purpose.
Explore the Register
Check out these designs on the Register.
A design for a coin: Design 202116743 for a ‘Coin design for HODL COIN’
A design for a medallion: Design 202316338 for a ‘Medallion’
A design that includes the word ‘Anzac’ or resembles the word ‘Anzac’ will be refused registration.[76] Only applicants with permission from the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs may use the word as part of an application.[77]
The word ANZAC is the most regulated word in Australia. To read more about the protection afforded to the word ANZAC read Associate Professor Catherine Bonds’ book ‘Anzac: The Landing, The Legend, The Law’.[78]
Explore the Register
An example of a design that would have been granted permission to use the word ‘Anzac’ is this design for a ‘cap’: Design 201510831 for a ‘ANZAC centenary cap’
Designs that resemble paper money will be refused protection. Subsection 19(1) of the Crimes (Currency) Act 1981 (Cth) prohibits:
a business or professional card, notice, placard, circular, hand-bill, poster or other material that so resembles current paper money or an Australian prescribed security as to be capable of misleading a person into believing it is that current paper money or that Australian prescribed security.
Paper money is defined as ‘… money comprising a note written, printed or otherwise made on paper or any other material’.[79]
A prescribed security is defined as:
… any bond, debenture, stock, stock certificate, treasury bill or other like security, or any coupon, warrant or other document for the payment of money in respect of such a security, issued by the Commonwealth of Australia, by an authority of the Commonwealth of Australia or by, or with the authority of, the government of a country other than Australia.[80]
Therefore, if a design disclosed in an application is likely to mislead someone into believing the design is either paper money or an Australian-prescribed security, it will be refused.[81] This includes any money of any country. Interestingly, the prohibition does not include coin denominations. However, a coin design could be caught by the prohibition in reg 4.06(a).
Explore the Register
The following design for a coin was likely challenged during an examination. It is, however, unclear under which provision it was challenged: Design 202116631 for a ‘coin’
Again, applicants could only ever register a design for currency if they had express permission from the Treasurer of Australia or a person authorised in writing by the Treasurer of Australia.[82] However, conditions are placed on such approval, including ‘reproductions or images (of past and present Australian banknotes) must be less than three-quarters or greater than one and a half times the length and width of the genuine banknote being reproduced’.[83]
Read the case
In the decision of Jimmy Dioguardi,[84] a design for a ‘Universal business cards’ was refused registration because it was of a kind described in s 19(1) of the Crimes (Currency) Act 1981 (Cth). The application was filed on March 17, 2013, and an intention to refuse the application was issued after the formalities assessment.[85]
The design was not described in the decision but did indicate that an Australian banknote was reproduced that was likely to mislead. The applicant offered to amend the dimensions of the representations to avoid contravening the provision described above. The Hearing Officer made an interesting point that when applying to register a design, the subsequent registration is not limited to the size seen in the representation(s). Therefore, the representation of a business card would still offend the size condition.[86]
Read the decision here Jimmy Dioguardi [2013] ADO 5
Scandalous Content
A design will be refused if it contains any scandalous matter or matter that might reasonably be considered scandalous. For applications filed after 10 March 2022, the scandalous content of an application will be assessed as part of the formalities check.[87] Refusing a design for being scandalous is similar to the ground of objection for registering a trade mark under the Trade Marks Act 1995 (Cth).[88]
IP Australia provides the following guidance on what is a scandalous application.[89]
A scandalous design is one that would cause significant shock or offence to the public or to an individual’s sense of propriety or morality.
What is being assessed is the design in relation to a product, so the overall appearance of the product is relevant.
A design can be scandalous because of a single visual feature or part or because of its overall appearance. The assessor will therefore examine all aspects and components of the design as well as its overall appearance.
When determining whether a design is scandalous, or might reasonably be taken to be scandalous, the assessor must also ensure that other material in the design application – e.g. applicant and designer details and the statement of newness and distinctiveness –does not fall into this category.
Designs that are or could be considered in bad taste are not scandalous unless they reach the threshold of being shocking or offensive.
… when assessing a design, we consider whether it:
- would shock or offend a person or group of people (or could reasonably be expected to shock or offend them)
- would be (or could reasonably be expected to be) defamatory to a person or group of people
- is offensive in the current context. Certain visual features that may have caused offence in the past are now generally more accepted. On the other hand, a visual feature that was once acceptable may now have become offensive (e.g. because its meaning has changed)
- includes profanity or has religious connotations. The Registrar is particularly careful in handling these designs because they can give rise to strong feelings and cause offence
- seeks to profit from another person’s death or misfortune
- appears to condone violence, terrorism, racism or another type of discrimination. Again, the Registrar takes great care in handling these designs.
Designs applied for registration that incorporate Indigenous Knowledge could be refused registration. A design would be scandalous if it includes a traditional cultural expression (language, symbols and visual art) and is registered in the name of a person or persons who have no connection to it. It is likely to be considered shocking or offensive to both Indigenous and non-Indigenous people that it would be registered. Traditional cultural expression may only be used by the traditional owner, or the expression is sacred. The use of Indigenous Knowledge in designs is covered in more detail in Chapter 8.
Arms, flags, emblems, etc.
The Registrar will refuse registration for any design that shows:
- The arms or a flag or seal of the Commonwealth or a state or territory.[90]
- The arms or emblems of a state or territory, a city or town in Australia, or a public authority or public institution in Australia.[91]
- the arms, flags, state emblems or other signs of another country.[92]
A distinction needs to be made here — the refusal applies to designs that are arms, flags or emblems, not designs that contain these elements.[93] This exclusion also covers flags prescribed by the Flags Act 1953 (including the Australian Aboriginal Flag and the Torres Strait Islander Flag).
Explore the Register
The provisions likely caught the following design application: Design 201010477 for ‘RAAF association members lapel badges, wall plaques, banners, flags, posters and other promotional material for the RAAF association’
Olympic symbols
The Olympic Games are an exceptional event. The games are truly global and involve multiple countries and sports.[94] The Australian Government introduced the Olympic Insignia Protection Act 1987 (Cth) to prevent the unauthorised and deceptive use of Olympic insignia. The Act vested the ownership of Olympic insignia, including the Olympic rings symbol, the Olympic motto and up to ten registered designs, to the Australian Olympic Committee (AOC). The International Olympic Committee recognises the AOC as the national committee responsible for protecting and developing the Olympic movement in Australia. The protection of Olympic insignia not only prevents ambush marketing related to the Olympic Games but also enables the AOC to derive income by licensing these Olympic insignia.
With the introduction of the Olympic Insignia Protection Act 1987, the Designs Act was amended so that any design that includes Olympic designs or symbols must not be registered.[95] Section 18 of the Olympic Insignia Protection Act 1987(Cth) prescribes:
Protected designs not to be registered under the Designs Act 2003
The Registrar shall not register under the Designs Act 2003 :
(a) a protected design;
(b) a design incorporating a protected design;
(c) a design that differs from a protected design only in immaterial details or in features commonly used in a relevant trade; or
(d) a design that is an obvious adaptation of a protected design.
Section 2 of the Act contains the following definitions.
“protected design” means each of the following:
(a) the design of the olympic symbol;
(b) a registered olympic design;
(c) a registered torch and flame design.
“design of the olympic symbol” means the design that, when applied to any article, results in a reproduction of the olympic symbol.
“olympic symbol” means the symbol an outline of which is set out in the Schedule.
“registered olympic design” means a design registered under this Act in relation to an artistic work that incorporates the olympic symbol.
“registered torch and flame design” means a design registered under this Act in relation to an artistic work that is or incorporates a prescribed olympic torch and flame.
IP Australia maintains a Register of Olympic Designs to protect certain local Olympic products. Check out the list of current and former registrations: Olympic Designs.
Integrated circuits
An integrated circuit is a set of electronic circuits placed on a small, flat piece of semiconductor material. The passage of the Circuit Layouts Act 1989 (Cth) saw the copyright-like protection of circuit layouts.
Introduced alongside the Circuit Layouts Act 1989 (Cth), section 43 excludes the registration of designs in relation to integrated circuits, parts of an integrated circuit or a mask used to make an integrated circuit. This provision, however, does not exclude circuit layouts from being registered.
The Circuit Layouts Act 1989 (Cth) defines an ‘integrated circuit’ as:
a circuit, whether in a final form or an intermediate form, the purpose, or one of the purposes, of which is to perform an electronic function, being a circuit in which the active and passive elements, and any of the interconnections, are integrally formed in or on a piece of material.[96]
Whereas, the Act defines a ‘circuit layout’ as:
a representation, fixed in any material form, of the three-dimensional location of the active and passive elements and interconnections making up an integrated circuit.[97]
The difference here is the representation of a circuit as opposed to the circuit itself, which is capable of protection.
Explore the Register
The following example of a certified design is the protection for a circuit layout as opposed to an integrated circuit: Design 202117925 for a ‘Dual Purpose String and Battery Combiner Box’
- Microsoft Corporation [2008] ADO 2 ('Microsoft'). ↵
- This is likely where a design lacks a product to which it is applied. See Microsoft Corporation [2008] ADO 2 and Somfy SAS [2011] ADO 4, [10] ('Somfy'). ↵
- Design Act 2003 (Cth) s 5 (definition of a 'design') ('2003 Act'). ↵
- Ibid s 8. During the examination, the design examiner will need to identify the product or products in relation to which the design is sought, see Design Regulations 2004 (Cth) reg 4.04(1)(c) ('2004 Regulations'). ↵
- 2003 Act (no 3) ss 5 (definition of ‘design’), 6, 7. ↵
- Ibid s 10. ↵
- Ibid s 7(2). ↵
- IP Australia, ‘Identifying the design: Overall appearance‘, Designs Examiners’ Manual of Practice and Procedure (Web Page, 4 July 2022) <https://manuals.ipaustralia.gov.au/design/overall-appearance>. ↵
- Australian Law Reform Commission, Designs (Report No 74, 1995) [4.2]-[4.3] ('Designs Report'). ↵
- Oxford English Dictionary (3rd ed, 2010) ‘shape’ (def 1). ↵
- Ibid ‘configuration’ (n1 def 1). ↵
- Ibid ‘pattern’ (def 1). ↵
- Ibid ‘configuration’ (n1). ↵
- IP Australia, ‘Identifying the design: Visual Features’, Designs Examiners’ Manual of Practice and Procedure (Web Page, 7 April 2022) <https://manuals.ipaustralia.gov.au/design/visual-features> ('Visual Features'). ↵
- Designs Report (no 9) [4.2]-[4.3]. ↵
- Visual Features (no 14). ↵
- 2003 Act (no 3) s 7(2). ↵
- Hosokawa Micron International Inc v Fortune (1990) 26 FCR 393, 546-9. ↵
- Visual Features (no 14). ↵
- Designs Report (no 9) para 4.6. ↵
- Review 2 Pty Ltd v Redberry Enterprise Pty Ltd (2008) 173 FCR 450. ↵
- Apple Inc [2017] ADO 5. ↵
- 2003 Act (no 3) s 7(3). ↵
- Ibid s 7(3)(b). ↵
- Ibid s 7(3)(c)(i). ↵
- Ibid s 7(3)(c)(ii). ↵
- See IP Australia, ‘Identifying the design: Variable Visual Features’, Designs Examiners’ Manual of Practice and Procedure (Web Page, 7 April 2022) <https://manuals.ipaustralia.gov.au/design/variable-visual-features>('Variable Visual Features'). ↵
- When judging the overall impression of a design in the context of assessing distinctiveness, a familiar person / informed user would discount any variable components or elements as visual features of the design. Any specific change in appearance due to use would only form part of the prior art base if that changed appearance had been separately published. See Re Reckitt Benckiser (UK) Ltd’s Design Application (2008) 776 IPR 781. ↵
- 2003 Act (no 3) s 8. ↵
- 2004 Regulations (no 4) reg 4.04(c). ↵
- IP Australia, ‘Product: Things that are not products’, Designs Examiners’ Manual of Practice and Procedure (Web Page, 7 April 2022) <https://manuals.ipaustralia.gov.au/design/things-that-are-not-products>. ↵
- Microsoft (no 1). ↵
- Ibid [1]. The typeface depicted in the decision was not the exact type face subject to the application. As the application was refused un s 43(2), the representation of the design was never disclosed to the public on the Register and was never reproduced in the Registrar’s decision.. ↵
- Ibid [4]. ↵
- Ibid [6]. ↵
- Jason Du Mont and Mark Janis, ‘Virtual Designs’ (2013) 17 Stanford Technology Law Review 107, 109. ↵
- Ibid. This was an empirical study on the application of virtual designs in the United States. ↵
- Advisory Council on Intellectual Property, Review of the Designs System (Final Report, March 2015) 31-33 ('Review of the Designs System'). ↵
- See Mitchell Adams et al., Virtual Design Rights Across the World (Report, 23 April 2021) ('Virtual Design Rights Across the World'). ↵
- 2004 Regulations (no 4) reg 4.04(c). ↵
- Somfy (no 2) [2]. ↵
- Ibid [14]. ↵
- IP Australia, Public Consultation: 1. Scope of Designs Protection (Discussion Paper, 1, October 2019), 13.. ↵
- A sentiment that was shared even in Comshare Inc [1991] ADO 2 decided under the previous Designs Act 1906 (Cth) and Apple Inc [2107] ADO 6. ↵
- The presence of the words ‘…in relation to a product’ and ‘…visual features of the product’. See 2003 Act (no 3) ss 5 (definition of a design), 7. ↵
- Variable Visual Features (no 27). ↵
- Re Applications by Comshare Incorporated (1991) 23 IPR 145. ↵
- [2002] ADO 2. ↵
- Ibid [39]. ↵
- Ibid. ↵
- The identified ‘LCD Screen’ was a classifiable product able to be registered. Prior to an amendment to the application, the product name was listed as ‘a display screen’. See Somfy (no 2) [2]. ↵
- Review of the Designs System (no 38) 31-33. ↵
- See Virtual Design Rights Across the World (no 39). ↵
- [2017] ADO 6. ↵
- AU Design Number 201316431, filed on 6 December 2013 (Revoked on 14 June 2017). ↵
- Ibid [9]. ↵
- This is the newness and distinctiveness when compared with the prior art base for the design as it existed before the priority date. See 2003 Act (no 3) s 15. ↵
- Variable Visual Features (no 27). ↵
- Review of the Designs System (no 38) 31. ↵
- 2003 Act (no 3) s 6(2). ↵
- IP Australia, ‘Product: Component part of a complex product’, Designs Examiners’ Manual of Practice and Procedure (Web Page, 7 April 2022) <https://manuals.ipaustralia.gov.au/design/component-part-of-a-complex-product> ('Component Part of a Complex Product'). ↵
- Ibid. ↵
- Aristocrat Technologies Australia Pty Limited (2021) 164 IPR 401, 411-412. ↵
- Ibid. ↵
- Ibid. ↵
- Component Part of a Complex Product (no 62). ↵
- Ibid. ↵
- Ibid. ↵
- 2003 Act (no 3) s 6(4). ↵
- IP Australia, 'Product: Assembled Set or Kit', Designs Examiners' Manual of Practice and Procedure (Web Page 7 April 2022) <https://manuals.ipaustralia.gov.au/design/assembled-set-or-kit>. ↵
- Ibid ss 39(2)(c), 40(2)(d), 65(2)(b). ↵
- Ibid s 43(2). ↵
- Microsoft (no 1). ↵
- 2003 Act (no 3) s 43(1). ↵
- Designs Report (no 9) 4.29. ↵
- Protection of Word ‘Anzac’ Regulations 1921 (Cth) reg 2(4) made under the War Precautions Act Repeal Act 1920 (Cth). ↵
- Protection of Word ‘Anzac’ Regulations 1921 (Cth) reg 2(1). ↵
- See Catherine Bond, ANZAC: The Landing, The Legend, The Law (Australian Scholarly Publishing, 2016). ↵
- Crimes (Currency) Act 1981 (Cth) s 3 (definition of ‘paper money’) ('Currency Act'). ↵
- Ibid s 3 (definition of ‘prescribed security’). ↵
- 2004 Regulations (no 4) reg 4.06(c). ↵
- Currency Act (no 79) s 19(1). ↵
- ‘Reproducing Banknotes’, Reserve Bank of Australia (Web Page) <https://banknotes.rba.gov.au/legal/reproducing-banknotes/>. ↵
- [2013] ADO 5. ↵
- Ibid [2]. ↵
- Ibid [7]. ↵
- 2004 Regulations (no 4) reg 4.04(1)(aa). ↵
- See Trade Marks Act 1995 (Cth) s 42(a). ↵
- IP Australia, ‘Section 43 refusal to register: Scandalous content’, Designs Examiners’ Manual of Practice and Procedure (Web Page, 5 December 2022) <https://manuals.ipaustralia.gov.au/design/scandalous-content>. ↵
- 2004 2004 (no 4) reg 4.06(e). ↵
- Ibid reg 4.06(f). ↵
- Ibid reg 4.06(g). ↵
- IP Australia, ‘Section 43 refusal to register: Arms, flags, emblems etc.’, Designs Examiners’ Manual of Practice and Procedure (Web Page, 7 April 2022) <https://manuals.ipaustralia.gov.au/design/arms-flags-emblems-etc>. ↵
- International Olympic Committee, Olympic Games (Website) <https://olympics.com/en/olympic-games>. ↵
- 2003 Act (no 3) s 43(1)(b). ↵
- Circuit Layouts Act 1989 (Cth) s 5 (definition of ‘integrated circuit’). ↵
- Ibid s 5 (definition of ‘circuit layout’). ↵